Humans of the World Podcast.
Conversations with people from all around the world. Different walks of life.
“Part of what I like with your podcast is opening up the world more to let people see what is on the other side in a way that's empathetic.”
— Luis Carbonell (Episode 5 - On Poverty)
Check out the Top Featured Episodes:
Yenser Del Nogal - the Venezuelan Ghetto
“Respect. It is the only rule you need to follow in the Ghetto.”
David Hoover - On Homelessness
“The biggest misconception is it's not about being lazy… a lot of times the world throws you some circumstances that are a little bit too overwhelming, and that forces you to be in that situation.”
Luis Carbonell - On Poverty
“I felt guilt of being poor... I am burdening so many people with my poverty.”
Humans of the World Podcast
Conversations with interesting people. People with untold perspectives, different walks of life or other cultures. Discovering the world through the eyes of others. Click here for “the Why”.
Core Values.
You don’t know what you don’t know. Identify the gaps in your own understanding.
How experiences shape behaviours, form world views and create assumptions. Understand people.
Empathy means understanding. Empathy does not mean agreement. Think for yourself.

“If I feel myself being judgemental that usually signals to me that I don't understand someone or something well enough. So I consciously try to resolve that whether internally by adjusting my paradigm or learning more.”
— Christian Echevarria